System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
createacct-emailrequired (Talk) (Translate) | Email address |
createacct-error (Talk) (Translate) | Account creation error |
createacct-helpusername (Talk) (Translate) | |
createacct-imgcaptcha-help (Talk) (Translate) | |
createacct-imgcaptcha-ph (Talk) (Translate) | Enter the text you see above |
createacct-realname (Talk) (Translate) | Real name (optional) |
createacct-reason (Talk) (Translate) | Reason |
createacct-reason-ph (Talk) (Translate) | Why you are creating another account |
createacct-submit (Talk) (Translate) | Create your account |
createacct-yourpassword-ph (Talk) (Translate) | Enter a password |
createacct-yourpasswordagain (Talk) (Translate) | Confirm password |
createacct-yourpasswordagain-ph (Talk) (Translate) | Enter password again |
created (Talk) (Translate) | created |
creating (Talk) (Translate) | Creating $1 |
creditspage (Talk) (Translate) | Page credits |
cur (Talk) (Translate) | cur |
currentevents (Talk) (Translate) | Current events |
currentevents-url (Talk) (Translate) | Project:Current events |
currentrev (Talk) (Translate) | Latest revision |
currentrev-asof (Talk) (Translate) | Latest revision as of $1 |
currentrevisionlink (Talk) (Translate) | Latest revision |
customcssprotected (Talk) (Translate) | You do not have permission to edit this CSS page because it contains another user's personal settings. |
customjsprotected (Talk) (Translate) | You do not have permission to edit this JavaScript page because it contains another user's personal settings. |
databaseerror (Talk) (Translate) | Database error |
databaseerror-error (Talk) (Translate) | Error: $1 |
databaseerror-function (Talk) (Translate) | Function: $1 |
databaseerror-query (Talk) (Translate) | Query: $1 |
databaseerror-text (Talk) (Translate) | A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. |
databaseerror-textcl (Talk) (Translate) | A database query error has occurred. |
databasenotlocked (Talk) (Translate) | The database is not locked. |
datedefault (Talk) (Translate) | No preference |
days (Talk) (Translate) | {{PLURAL:$1|$1 day|$1 days}} |
days-abbrev (Talk) (Translate) | $1 d |
dberr-again (Talk) (Translate) | Try waiting a few minutes and reloading. |
dberr-cachederror (Talk) (Translate) | This is a cached copy of the requested page, and may not be up to date. |
dberr-info (Talk) (Translate) | (Cannot access the database: $1) |
dberr-outofdate (Talk) (Translate) | Note that their indexes of our content may be out of date. |
dberr-problems (Talk) (Translate) | Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties. |
dberr-usegoogle (Talk) (Translate) | You can try searching via Google in the meantime. |
deadendpages (Talk) (Translate) | Dead-end pages |
deadendpages-summary (Talk) (Translate) | |
deadendpagestext (Talk) (Translate) | The following pages do not link to other pages in {{SITENAME}}. |
dec (Talk) (Translate) | Dec |
december (Talk) (Translate) | December |
december-date (Talk) (Translate) | December $1 |
december-gen (Talk) (Translate) | December |
default (Talk) (Translate) | default |
default-skin-not-found (Talk) (Translate) | Whoops! The default skin for your wiki, defined in <code dir="ltr">$wgDefaultSkin</code> as <code>$1</code>, is not available. Your installation seems to include the following {{PLURAL:$4|skin|skins}}. See [ Manual: Skin configuration] for information how to enable {{PLURAL:$4|it|them and choose the default}}. $2 ; If you have just installed MediaWiki: : You probably installed from git, or directly from the source code using some other method. This is expected. Try installing some skins from ['s skin directory], by: :* Downloading the [ tarball installer], which comes with several skins and extensions. You can copy and paste the <code>skins/</code> directory from it. :* Downloading individual skin tarballs from []. :* [ Using Git to download skins]. : Doing this should not interfere with your git repository if you're a MediaWiki developer. ; If you have just upgraded MediaWiki: : MediaWiki 1.24 and newer no longer automatically enables installed skins (see [ Manual: Skin autodiscovery]). You can paste the following {{PLURAL:$5|line|lines}} into <code>LocalSettings.php</code> to enable {{PLURAL:$5|the|all}} installed {{PLURAL:$5|skin|skins}}: <pre dir="ltr">$3</pre> ; If you have just modified <code>LocalSettings.php</code>: : Double-check the skin names for typos. |
default-skin-not-found-no-skins (Talk) (Translate) | Whoops! The default skin for your wiki, defined in <code>$wgDefaultSkin</code> as <code>$1</code>, is not available. You have no installed skins. ; If you have just installed or upgraded MediaWiki: : You probably installed from git, or directly from the source code using some other method. This is expected. MediaWiki 1.24 and newer doesn't include any skins in the main repository. Try installing some skins from ['s skin directory], by: :* Downloading the [ tarball installer], which comes with several skins and extensions. You can copy and paste the <code>skins/</code> directory from it. :* Downloading individual skin tarballs from []. :* [ Using Git to download skins]. : Doing this should not interfere with your git repository if you're a MediaWiki developer. See [ Manual: Skin configuration] for information how to enable skins and choose the default. |
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