System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
apihelp-stashedit-param-section (Talk) (Translate) | Section number. <kbd>0</kbd> for the top section, <kbd>new</kbd> for a new section. |
apihelp-stashedit-param-sectiontitle (Talk) (Translate) | The title for a new section. |
apihelp-stashedit-param-text (Talk) (Translate) | Page content. |
apihelp-stashedit-param-title (Talk) (Translate) | Title of the page being edited. |
apihelp-summary (Talk) (Translate) | |
apihelp-tag-description (Talk) (Translate) | Add or remove change tags from individual revisions or log entries. |
apihelp-tag-example-log (Talk) (Translate) | Remove the <kbd>spam</kbd> tag from log entry ID 123 with the reason <kbd>Wrongly applied</kbd> |
apihelp-tag-example-rev (Talk) (Translate) | Add the <kbd>vandalism</kbd> tag to revision ID 123 without specifying a reason |
apihelp-tag-param-add (Talk) (Translate) | Tags to add. Only manually defined tags can be added. |
apihelp-tag-param-logid (Talk) (Translate) | One or more log entry IDs from which to add or remove the tag. |
apihelp-tag-param-rcid (Talk) (Translate) | One or more recent changes IDs from which to add or remove the tag. |
apihelp-tag-param-reason (Talk) (Translate) | Reason for the change. |
apihelp-tag-param-remove (Talk) (Translate) | Tags to remove. Only tags that are either manually defined or completely undefined can be removed. |
apihelp-tag-param-revid (Talk) (Translate) | One or more revision IDs from which to add or remove the tag. |
apihelp-tokens-description (Talk) (Translate) | Get tokens for data-modifying actions. This module is deprecated in favor of [[Special:ApiHelp/query+tokens|action=query&meta=tokens]]. |
apihelp-tokens-example-edit (Talk) (Translate) | Retrieve an edit token (the default). |
apihelp-tokens-example-emailmove (Talk) (Translate) | Retrieve an email token and a move token. |
apihelp-tokens-param-type (Talk) (Translate) | Types of token to request. |
apihelp-translatesandbox-description (Talk) (Translate) | Signup and manage sandboxed users. |
apihelp-translatesandbox-param-do (Talk) (Translate) | What to do. |
apihelp-translatesandbox-param-email (Talk) (Translate) | Email when creating user. |
apihelp-translatesandbox-param-password (Talk) (Translate) | Password when creating user. |
apihelp-translatesandbox-param-userid (Talk) (Translate) | User IDs of the users being managed. Use 0 for creations. |
apihelp-translatesandbox-param-username (Talk) (Translate) | Username when creating user. |
apihelp-translateuser-description (Talk) (Translate) | Translation related information about the user. |
apihelp-translateuser-example-1 (Talk) (Translate) | Show information about the user |
apihelp-translationaids-description (Talk) (Translate) | Query all translations aids. |
apihelp-translationaids-example-1 (Talk) (Translate) | Show aids for [[MediaWiki:January/fi]] |
apihelp-translationaids-param-group (Talk) (Translate) | Message group the message belongs to. If empty then primary group is used. |
apihelp-translationaids-param-prop (Talk) (Translate) | Which translation helpers to include. |
apihelp-translationaids-param-title (Talk) (Translate) | Full title of a known message. |
apihelp-translationreview-description (Talk) (Translate) | Mark translations reviewed. |
apihelp-translationreview-example-1 (Talk) (Translate) | Review revision 1 |
apihelp-translationreview-param-revision (Talk) (Translate) | The revision number to review. |
apihelp-translationstash-description (Talk) (Translate) | Add translations to stash. |
apihelp-translationstash-example-1 (Talk) (Translate) | Add a translation to the stash for [[MediaWiki:Jan/fi]] |
apihelp-translationstash-example-2 (Talk) (Translate) | Query the stash |
apihelp-translationstash-param-metadata (Talk) (Translate) | JSON object. |
apihelp-translationstash-param-subaction (Talk) (Translate) | Action. |
apihelp-translationstash-param-title (Talk) (Translate) | Title of the translation unit page. |
apihelp-translationstash-param-translation (Talk) (Translate) | Translation made by the user. |
apihelp-translationstash-param-username (Talk) (Translate) | Optionally the user whose stash to get. Only privileged users can do this. |
apihelp-ttmserver-description (Talk) (Translate) | Query suggestions from translation memories. |
apihelp-ttmserver-example-1 (Talk) (Translate) | Get suggestions for translating "Help" from English to Finnish |
apihelp-ttmserver-param-service (Talk) (Translate) | Which of the available translation services to use. |
apihelp-ttmserver-param-sourcelanguage (Talk) (Translate) | The language code of the source text. |
apihelp-ttmserver-param-targetlanguage (Talk) (Translate) | The language code of the suggestion. |
apihelp-ttmserver-param-text (Talk) (Translate) | The text to find suggestions for. |
apihelp-txt-description (Talk) (Translate) | Output data in PHP's <code>print_r()</code> format. |
apihelp-txtfm-description (Talk) (Translate) | Output data in PHP's <code>print_r()</code> format (pretty-print in HTML). |
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