System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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tux-edit (Talk) (Translate) Edit
tux-editor-add-desc (Talk) (Translate) Add documentation
tux-editor-ask-help (Talk) (Translate) Ask for more information
tux-editor-cancel-button-label (Talk) (Translate) Cancel
tux-editor-clear-translated (Talk) (Translate) Hide translated
tux-editor-close-tooltip (Talk) (Translate) Close
tux-editor-collapse-tooltip (Talk) (Translate) Collapse
tux-editor-confirm-button-label (Talk) (Translate) Confirm translation
tux-editor-discard-changes-button-label (Talk) (Translate) Discard changes
tux-editor-doc-editor-cancel (Talk) (Translate) Cancel
tux-editor-doc-editor-placeholder (Talk) (Translate) Message documentation
tux-editor-doc-editor-save (Talk) (Translate) Save documentation
tux-editor-edit-desc (Talk) (Translate) Edit documentation
tux-editor-expand-tooltip (Talk) (Translate) Expand
tux-editor-in-other-languages (Talk) (Translate) In other languages
tux-editor-loading (Talk) (Translate) Loading...
tux-editor-message-desc-less (Talk) (Translate) View less
tux-editor-message-desc-more (Talk) (Translate) View more
tux-editor-message-tools-delete (Talk) (Translate) Delete
tux-editor-message-tools-history (Talk) (Translate) History
tux-editor-message-tools-translations (Talk) (Translate) All translations
tux-editor-n-uses (Talk) (Translate) used $1 {{PLURAL:$1|time|times}}
tux-editor-need-more-help (Talk) (Translate) Need more help?
tux-editor-outdated-warning (Talk) (Translate) This translation may need to be updated.
tux-editor-page-mode (Talk) (Translate) Page
tux-editor-paste-original-button-label (Talk) (Translate) Paste source text
tux-editor-placeholder (Talk) (Translate) Your translation
tux-editor-proofreading-hide-own-translations (Talk) (Translate) Hide your translations
tux-editor-proofreading-mode (Talk) (Translate) Review
tux-editor-proofreading-show-own-translations (Talk) (Translate) Show your translations
tux-editor-save-button-label (Talk) (Translate) Save translation
tux-editor-save-failed (Talk) (Translate) Saving the translation failed: $1
tux-editor-shortcut-info (Talk) (Translate) Press "$1" to save or "$2" to skip to next message or "$3" for other shortcuts.
tux-editor-skip-button-label (Talk) (Translate) Skip to next
tux-editor-suggestions-title (Talk) (Translate) Suggestions
tux-editor-tm-match (Talk) (Translate) $1% match
tux-editor-translate-mode (Talk) (Translate) List
tux-empty-list-all (Talk) (Translate) This message group is empty
tux-empty-list-all-guide (Talk) (Translate) Select a different message group to translate
tux-empty-list-other (Talk) (Translate) Nothing to translate
tux-empty-list-other-action (Talk) (Translate) Review translations
tux-empty-list-other-guide (Talk) (Translate) You can help review existing translations
tux-empty-list-translated (Talk) (Translate) No translated messages
tux-empty-list-translated-action (Talk) (Translate) Translate
tux-empty-list-translated-guide (Talk) (Translate) You can help translating
tux-empty-no-messages-to-display (Talk) (Translate) No messages to display.
tux-empty-no-outdated-messages (Talk) (Translate) No outdated messages
tux-empty-nothing-new-to-proofread (Talk) (Translate) Nothing new to review
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