System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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Current message text
translate-import-err-dl-failed (Talk) (Translate) Unable to fetch the file: $1
translate-import-err-invalid-title (Talk) (Translate) Provided filename <nowiki>$1</nowiki> was invalid.
translate-import-err-no-headers (Talk) (Translate) File is not a well formed Gettext file in Translate extension format: Unable to determine message group and language from file headers.
translate-import-err-no-such-file (Talk) (Translate) File <nowiki>$1</nowiki> does not exist or has not been uploaded locally.
translate-import-err-stale-group (Talk) (Translate) The message group this file belongs to does not exist.
translate-import-err-ul-failed (Talk) (Translate) File upload was not successful
translate-import-err-warnings (Talk) (Translate) The file is not well formed. Make sure your editor does not remove msgctxt fields. Details: $1
translate-import-from-local (Talk) (Translate) Local file upload:
translate-import-load (Talk) (Translate) Load file
translate-js-history (Talk) (Translate) Translation history
translate-js-next (Talk) (Translate) Save and open next
translate-js-nonext (Talk) (Translate) This was the last message on this page.
translate-js-save (Talk) (Translate) Save
translate-js-save-failed (Talk) (Translate) Saving failed. Please report this error.
translate-js-skip (Talk) (Translate) Skip to next
translate-js-summary (Talk) (Translate) Summary:
translate-js-support (Talk) (Translate) Ask question
translate-js-support-title (Talk) (Translate) Ask for help if there is not enough information to translate this message correctly.
translate-js-support-unsaved-warning (Talk) (Translate) You have unsaved translations.
translate-jssti-add (Talk) (Translate) Add to list
translate-langstats-collapse (Talk) (Translate) collapse
translate-langstats-collapseall (Talk) (Translate) collapse all
translate-langstats-expand (Talk) (Translate) expand
translate-langstats-expandall (Talk) (Translate) expand all
translate-langstats-incomplete (Talk) (Translate) Some of the statistics on this page are incomplete. Please reload to get more statistics.
translate-language (Talk) (Translate) Language
translate-language-code (Talk) (Translate) Language code
translate-language-code-field-name (Talk) (Translate) Language code:
translate-language-disabled (Talk) (Translate) Translation to this language is disabled.
translate-languagestats-overall (Talk) (Translate) All message groups together
translate-ls-column-group (Talk) (Translate) Message group
translate-ls-noempty (Talk) (Translate) Suppress completely untranslated message groups
translate-ls-submit (Talk) (Translate) Show statistics
translate-magic-cm-comment (Talk) (Translate) Comment:
translate-magic-cm-current (Talk) (Translate) Current
translate-magic-cm-export (Talk) (Translate) Export
translate-magic-cm-original (Talk) (Translate) Original
translate-magic-cm-save (Talk) (Translate) Save
translate-magic-cm-savefailed (Talk) (Translate) Save failed
translate-magic-cm-to-be (Talk) (Translate) To-be
translate-magic-cm-updatedusing (Talk) (Translate) Updated using [[Special:AdvancedTranslate|{{int:Translate-magic-pagename}}]]
translate-magic-errors (Talk) (Translate) Please fix following {{PLURAL:$1|error|errors}} in translations:
translate-magic-help (Talk) (Translate) You can translate special pages aliases, magic words and namespace names. Special page aliases and magic words can have multiple translations. Translations are separated by a comma (,). Namespaces can have only one translation. Translating the project talk namespace <code>$1 talk</code> may be complicated. <code>$1</code> is replaced with the project sitename (for example <code>{{ns:project_talk}}</code>). If it is not possible in your language to form a valid expression without changing the sitename, please let us know on [[Support]]. You need to be a translator to save changes. Changes are not saved until you click the save button below.
translate-magic-module (Talk) (Translate) Module:
translate-magic-namespace (Talk) (Translate) Namespace names
translate-magic-nothing-to-export (Talk) (Translate) There is nothing to export.
translate-magic-notsaved (Talk) (Translate) Your edit was not saved!
translate-magic-pagename (Talk) (Translate) Extended MediaWiki translation
translate-magic-saved (Talk) (Translate) Your changes were saved successfully.
translate-magic-special (Talk) (Translate) Special page aliases
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